A Message from the PresidentJune 2022
As President of Lumetta, there’s nothing that keeps me up at night more than thinking about how we can make better lighting solutions for you.
But one of the most important lessons we’ve learned over the years is that what WE think is best for our luminaires doesn’t really matter. What matters most is the challenges our partners – that’s you – are facing, and how we can better solve them.
We’ve always worked hard to get to know our customers, but I want to go deeper than we ever have before.
Over the next few months, my goal is to have a conversation with every single one of our partners. All of you.
I want to hear about your experience with Lumetta. What you like. What you love. What you hate. What you’ve been wanting us to fix or improve, but just haven’t gotten around to connecting with us about it.
If you would give me 10-15 minutes of your time, you’d be a big part of helping us make Lumetta the best it can possibly be.
Plus, I’m happy to offer help with any customer service or support issues you might be tackling.
If you’re interested, just email me at ian@lumetta.com, and I’ll send you instructions for setting up our call.
Thanks so much for being a loyal Lumetta partner.